
Do You Have the Balls for Comedy Bingo?


The International Church of Cannabis has hosted an array of events since our grand opening on April 20 including comedy shows, classical and indie mini-concerts, spiritual speakers, and pot luck dinners. So what’s next for the Church that wants to do it all? You said, it: bingo!

Bingo isn’t life or death man, it’s way more important. And, no, it is not just the domain of adorable, grey-haired old ladies with enormous bouffants obsessing over the caller (who, admittedly, is a dreamy mixture of Tom Selleck and the lovely young man who hosts “The Bachelor”). In Denver, your friendly, local bingo game has become the stomping ground of everyone from hipsters, to drag queens, to artists and musicians.

It is more than just a quick caller with some snappy one liners, and it’s as fast and as furious as any movie starring Vin Diesel.

Not only is it a game of champions, but it is a game for the brave; a game to define you. Not just for today, but for life. However, to get the most out of this life, and to turn the dial of glorious expectation up to 11, we must add an essential ingredient, we must stir into the mix the very building block of entertainment bliss. That’s right, we have to add some comedy.

Given when a person plays bingo, they are the lead character of their own story, and they are living on the edge, and sometimes even crossing the line. This is important because, historically, a comedy is a story that ends happily for the main character. You see, nobody is happier than a seven carder, who is three games in and has four cards up, each with only one number needed to shout out that explosively intoxicating word: BINGO!

Oh…you say. This is all making sense now.

Win or lose, the joy of playing bingo will at the very least get your heart racing and, at least for Sunday’s game 420 Comedy Bingo game at the International Church of Cannabis, will be for a good cause.

How can I join this jokefest of gaming, you ask? It’s simple. All you really need is a couple of bucks to play the game and (for the comedy part) a sense of humor.

Comedy BINGO will change your life. Believe it.

Posted in Funny on August, 2017