
Activists Plan to Smoke 4,200 Joints During Trump’s Inauguration


One group fighting for marijuana legalization has a radical plan for President-elect Donald Trump’s Jan.20 inauguration: blaze it up with thousands of others at four minutes and 20 seconds into his speech.

Pro-pot advocates DCMJ plan to distribute 4,200 joints at 8 a.m. on the west side of Dupont Circle on the day of Trump’s inauguration. DCMJ founder Adam Eidinger told the media the tokers will then be led to the National Mall to produce a cloud big enough that the whole country takes note, and draws attention to marijuana legalization efforts across the country.

It’s legal to giveaway joints as long as it’s done on District of Columbia land ­– however, anyone smoking on federal land may be arrested.

Perhaps the most important onlooker will be Trump’s attorney general nominee Sen. Jeff Sessions, who has previously spoken out against marijuana legalization.

Among countless other historic demonstrations, the National Mall in D.C. is the site of the 50,000-person rally which took place July 4, 1970, when protestors staged a “smoke-in” and called for the legalization of marijuana and the end of U.S. military conflict in Cambodia and Vietnam.

Posted in News on January, 2017